Red Hood Gets Revenge and Wonder Woman Suits Up in Latest Injustice 2 Trailer

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Autore: Tamara Smith
Data Della Creazione: 19 Gennaio 2021
Data Di Aggiornamento: 1 Febbraio 2025
Injustice 2 - Introducing Red Hood!
Video: Injustice 2 - Introducing Red Hood!

Injustice 2's roster of beloved DC heroes and villains is about to get a bit bigger soon. A trailer for the Batman series anti-hero, Red Hood, dropped at the ComboBreaker 2017 tournament, finally showing us the masked merc in motion.

Red Hood uses his signature guns, tasers, explosives, and even ninja stars to spar with the likes of Batman and The Joker in an exciting display of his abilities. Check out the the trailer for yourself below:

In June, Red Hood will join the Superman villain Darkseid as the second DLC character to be added to Injustice 2's already impressive roster. At least eight more characters, including the likes of Mortal Kombat's Sub-Zero and DC's alien heroine Starfire, are on the way as well.

If you just can't wait til June to get more of your Injustice fix, then NetherRealm already has you covered. A new section added to the game's Multiverse mode, titled To End All Wars, allows players to test their might in a series of challenges to earn new Wonder Woman equipment based on her upcoming movie.

Fonte immagine: Reddit User Mandonguilles

Come per tutti gli eventi nel Multiverso, la possibilità di ottenere questo esclusivo equipaggiamento Wonder Woman è cronometrata. I giocatori avranno poco più di una settimana a partire dal 29 maggio per aggiungere questo aspetto cinematografico alla loro collezione - quindi se non vedi l'ora di andare al nuovo film, assicurati di afferrarlo subito prima che scompaia.