Play Mirror's Edge Catalyst trial 5 days early with EA Access

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Autore: Florence Bailey
Data Della Creazione: 26 Marzo 2021
Data Di Aggiornamento: 23 Gennaio 2025
Play Mirror's Edge Catalyst trial 5 days early with EA Access - Giochi
Play Mirror's Edge Catalyst trial 5 days early with EA Access - Giochi

Are you excited about Mirror's Edge Catalyst? If you are interested in this upcoming reboot of the 2008 cult hit Mirror's Edge, and are a member of EA Access, you will be able to play a trial of the game on June 2nd. The catch is that you can only play the game for only 6 hours. Usually, EA Access trials are around 10 hours long. And while neither EA nor Dice has said how long the game will be, DICE has said the game's open-world city is ' huge'='' and='' explorable,='' unlike='' the='' more='' linear='' original.='' this='' is='' presumably='' done='' to='' prevent='' players='' from='' beating='' the='' game='' before='' its='' release='' date='' next=''>

Originariamente programmato per uscire a febbraio di quest'anno, Mirror's Edge Catalyst è stato respinto fino al 24 maggio e successivamente è stato rinviato al 7 giugno. Sarà disponibile per Playstation 4, Xbox One e P.C. EA Access è disponibile solo per Xbox One e P.C.