Former majority owner of Activision buys stock in Ubisoft and Gameloft

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Autore: Morris Wright
Data Della Creazione: 24 Aprile 2021
Data Di Aggiornamento: 27 Gennaio 2025
Ex-EA DICE, Ubisoft, Sony & Horizon Devs TRASH Elden Ring, Other Game Devs & Internet Respond
Video: Ex-EA DICE, Ubisoft, Sony & Horizon Devs TRASH Elden Ring, Other Game Devs & Internet Respond

The French media company Vivendi, once famous for being the majority shareholder of Activision, has shown a renewed interest in the video game industry after buying a 6.6% stake in Ubisoft and a 6.2% stake in Gameloft.

Vivendi owned a 63% controlling stake in Activision, but due to restructuring, they decided to sell the majority of their shares, now only holding 6% ownership in the company. They intially sold the majority of their shares for $8.17 billion, and later sold another 5.8% for $850 million.

In response to Vivendi's purchase of Gameloft stock, Gameloft issued a press release:

' we='' take='' note='' of='' the='' unsolicited='' action='' on='' the='' part='' of='' vivendi.='' we='' reiterate='' our='' intention='' to='' remain='' independent,='' an='' approach='' that,='' since='' our='' founding='' 16='' years='' ago,='' enabled='' us='' to='' become='' a='' world='' leader='' in='' mobile='' gaming,='' and='' from='' 2015,='' a='' significant='' and='' fast='' growing='' actor='' of='' mobile='' advertising.=''>

L'interesse di Vivendi per le aziende potrebbe essere allarmante, considerando che il loro investimento di circa $ 183 milioni in entrambe le società sembra una cifra quasi misera rispetto ai loro warchest da 10 miliardi di dollari, guadagnati dalle vendite di molte delle loro attività negli ultimi anni - no una piccola parte del quale proviene da Activision.

Perché pensi che Vivendi sia così interessata a queste aziende. Cosa ne pensi del loro investimento? Fatemi sapere nei commenti!